Dr.Yiyu Zhang(张 奕 裕)

Software Engineering Group
Department of Computer Science and Technology
Nanjing University, China

Email: zhangyy0721 at smail.nju.edu.cn
Office: Computer Science Building, Room 711

About me

I am a Ph.D. at the Department of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University. My advisors are Prof. Xuandong Li and Associate Professor (with tenure) Zhiqiang Zuo . Before coming to NJU, I completed my Bachelor of Engineering's degree in CS at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University in 2019.

Research Interests

System softeware, Program Analysis, Compiler Optimization


06/2024 Our HardTaint paper was conditionally accepted to OOPSLA'24(CCF-A).

01/2024 Invited to serve on the artifact evaluation committee (AEC) of the 45th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI'24)!

08/2023 Invited to serve on the program committee (PC) of the ChinaSoft'23!

07/2023 Our BigDataflow paper was accepted to FSE'23 (CCF-A).

05/2023 Our Catamaran paper was accepted to ISSTA'23 (CCF-A).

04/2022 Invited to serve on the artifact evaluation committee (AEC) for the 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'22)!

12/2021 Gave a talk at ChinaSoft2021 Domain Software track about our out-of-core Datalog engine DDL.

12/2021 Gave a talk to SEG group about low-overhead memory enforcement design and implementation for C.

10/2021 Our Disk-Based DataLog Engine (DDL) paper was accepted to ChinaSoft'21.

05/2021 Graspan with GPU- and CPU-backed engine for scalable static analysis was accepted to TOCS (CCF-A).

02/2021 Our Chianina paper was conditionally accepted to PLDI'21 (CCF-A).

12/2020 Gave a talk to SEG group about parallel security checks.

09/2020 Became a teaching assistant of Advanced Programming in C++ course.

09/2019 Gave a talk to SEG group about introduction of Datalog.

09/2019 Became a teaching assistant of Advanced Programming in C++ course.

06/2019 Received Bachelor degree from Southeast University.


▶ HardTaint: Production-Run Dynamic Taint Analysis via Selective Hardware Tracing
By Yiyu Zhang, Tianyi Liu, Yueyang Wang, Yun Qi, Kai Ji, Jian Tang, Xiaoliang Wang, Xuandong Li, and Zhiqiang Zuo
conditionally accepted by the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA'24), 2024. [PDF]

▶ BigDataflow: A Distributed Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis Framework
By Zewen Sun, Duanchen Xu, Yiyu Zhang, Yun Qi, Yueyang Wang, Zhiqiang Zuo, Zhaokang Wang, Yue Li, Xuandong Li, Qingda Lu, Wenwen Peng, and Shengjian Guo.
In Proceedings of ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE'23), California, U.S., Dec 3-9, 2023. [PDF] [Talk]

▶ Catamaran: Low-Overhead Memory Safety Enforcement via Parallel Acceleration
By Yiyu Zhang, Tianyi Liu, Zewen Sun, Zhe Chen, Xuandong Li, and Zhiqiang Zuo.
In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'23), Washington, U.S., July 17-21, 2023. [PDF] [Talk]

▶ 基于核外计算的Datalog引擎设计与实现(In Chinese)
By Yiyu Zhang, Guihang Wang, Zhiqiang Zuo, and Xuandong Li.
In Journal Of Software (JOS, 软件学报), Vol. 34, No. 8, 2023. [PDF]

▶ Systemizing Interprocedural Static Analysis of Large-Scale Systems Code with Graspan
By Zhiqiang Zuo, Kai Wang, Aftab Hussain, Ardalan Amiri Sani, Yiyu Zhang, Shenming Lu, Wensheng Dou, Linzhang Wang, Xuandong Li, Chenxi Wang, and Guoqing Harry Xu.
In ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS'21), Vol. 38, No. 4, July 2021. [PDF] [Code]

▶ Chianina: An Evolving Graph System for Flow- and Context-Sensitive Analyses of Million Lines of C Code
By Zhiqiang Zuo, Yiyu Zhang, Qiuhong Pan, Shenming Lu, Yue Li, Linzhang Wang, Xuandong Li, and Guoqing Harry Xu.
In Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI'21), Virtual, June 20-25, 2021. [PDF] [Talk] [Code]


☑ Chianina: An Evolving Graph System for Flow- and Context-Sensitive Analyses of Million Lines of C Code [Code]

☑ Safe Language Design and Implementation

☑ Systemizing Interprocedural Static Analysis of Large-Scale Systems Code with Graspan [Code]

☑ Design and Implementation of the out-of-core Datalog Engine DDL

☑ Low-overhead Memory Enforcement Design and Implementation for C


◎ Catamaran: Low-Overhead Memory Safety Enforcement via Parallel Acceleration, Seattle (UW campus), U.S.A, ISSTA'23, Jul., 2023

◎ Design and Implementation of the out-of-core Datalog Engine DDL, Virtual Event, ChinaSoft2021, Dec., 2021 [Video]

◎ Low-overhead memory enforcement design and implementation for C At Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, Dec., 2021

◎ Parallel security checks At Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, Dec., 2020

◎ A preliminary understanding of Datalog At Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, Sep., 2019


Program Committee:
        • PLDI 2024 Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC)
        • ISSTA 2022 Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC)
        • OOPSLA 2024ICSE 2024 SRCPLDI 2024CC 2024FSE 2024ChinaSoft 2023Internetware 2023ASE 2023ESEC/FSE 2022PLDI 2022Journal Of SoftwareChinaSoft 2021
Teaching Assistant:  
        • Advanced Programming in C++ in Semester 1, 2020/2021
        • Advanced Programming in C++ in Semester 1, 2019/2020

Awards and Honors

Excellent Postgraduate of Nanjing University, 2023

First-class Postgraduate Academic Scholarship, 2023

First-class Doctoral Execellence Scholarship of Nanjing University, 2023

Excellent Postgraduate of Nanjing University, 2022

First-class Postgraduate Academic Scholarship, 2022

Second-class Doctoral Execellence Scholarship of Nanjing University, 2022

Excellent Postgraduate of Nanjing University, 2021

First-class Postgraduate Academic Scholarship, 2021

First-class Doctoral Execellence Scholarship of Nanjing University, 2021

Third-class Scholarship at SEG group level, 2020

First-class Postgraduate Academic Scholarship, 2020

First-class Postgraduate Academic Scholarship, 2019

Last updated at Jun/22/2024.